
postheadericon Kawasaki 840792 6-Inch Dual Action Air Sander

Best Buy Kawasaki 840792 6-Inch Dual Action Air Sander Online Shop

Kawasaki 840792 6-Inch Dual Action Air Sander

you looking for super-cheap Kawasaki 840792 6-Inch Dual Action Air Sander?

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Kawasaki 840792 6-Inch Dual Action Air Sander

  • 6" dual action air sander
  • Adjustable air regulator for speed control
  • Tool has lightweight composite housings for extended durability
  • Soft grip for comfort
  • Accepts 6" PSA sand paper

Kawasaki 840792 6-Inch Dual Action Air Sander
840792 Features: -Air sander.-For paint and rust removal, sanding and light grinding tasks.-9500 RPM no load speed with adjustable air regulator for speed control.-Air-powered orbital sander makes quick work of paint and rust removal, sanding and light grinding projects.-Soft grip reduces vibration and adds comfort.-Accepts 6'' PSA sandpaper.-Requires 90 PSI air input. Dimensions: -Dimensions: 8.5'' H x 11'' W x 3.25'' D.

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