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Buy Chicago Pneumatic CP7201 Mini Polisher For Sale

Chicago Pneumatic CP7201 Mini Polisher

you looking for low price Chicago Pneumatic CP7201 Mini Polisher?

before decision to buy, I searches on on-line so long time. So I gathered a store that sells Chicago Pneumatic CP7201 Mini Polisher and compare prices to. Some online stores offers me fast shipping.

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Chicago Pneumatic CP7201 Mini Polisher
Chicago Pneumatic air mini disc polisher is compact and lightweight for easy access in tight areas. Kit includes 3in. dia. polishing pads. Designed for small area repair. Air Consumption (CFM): 18, Speed (RPM): 0 - 2,500, Pad Diameter (in.): 3, Variable Speed: Yes, Side Handle: No, Pads Included (qty.): 4, Air Inlet Size (in. NPT): 1/4, Min. Hose Size (in.): 3/8, Case Included: Yes, Tool Weight (lbs.): 1.5, Tool Length (in.): 4 1/2

Chicago Pneumatic CP7201 Mini Polisher

  • Rubber Molded Pistol Grip
  • Adjustable Power Regulator
  • Two Finger Progressive Throttle
  • Muffled Handle Exhaust
  • 1-Year parts and labor

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