
postheadericon Dynabrade 59023 5-Inch Self-Generated Vacuum Dynorbital-Spirit Random Orbital Sander, Teal

Buy Dynabrade 59023 5-Inch Self-Generated Vacuum Dynorbital-Spirit Random Orbital Sander, Teal Web Store

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Dynabrade 59023 5-Inch Self-Generated Vacuum Dynorbital-Spirit Random Orbital Sander, Teal Overview

* Includes low profile, premium urethane weight-mated sanding pad. Grey lever identifies 3/16" (5 mm) dia. orbit, used for general sanding.* Drop-In Motor available (sold separately) to reduce costly down-time associated with routine maintenance. More Power - True 12,000 RPM air motor. Floating rotor utilizes five blades, producing more usable power (.25 hp/186 W). High-strength, composite rotor has better lubricating qualities, allowing blades to last longer. Less air (14 SCFM/396 LPM) is used more efficiently to maintain maximum power.* Comfort Platform provides additional hand and wrist support, further enhancing operator comfort. Also offers increased protection against cold air exhaust. (NOTE: Comfort Platform is removable.) Order 59330 Comfort Platform (U.S. Patent No. D610,428) separately, to install on existing tools!* Throttle lever recesses into housing grip when depressed, eliminating pressure-point on operator's palm. Dynorbital-Spirit lever is made from composite material to insulate against cold air. Lever is color-coded to designate tool orbit. Easy maintenance and vacuum conversion. Muffler elements are easily changed for convenient maintenance. Low Sound Levels. Muffling system reduces exhaust sound levels.* Speed Control allows thumb-control regulating of tool speed. Lighter air-motor assembly, ideal for vertical and overhead sanding applications. Precision one-piece motor shaft and counterbalance. High-quality Double Row Pad Bearing, protected by unique V-Seal, improves bearing life and ensures reduced vibration. Perfectly-balanced, weight-mated sanding pad with one-piece hub design. Dynabrade premium urethane pads offer smoother operating performance and minimal vibration.

Dynabrade 59023 5-Inch Self-Generated Vacuum Dynorbital-Spirit Random Orbital Sander, Teal Specification

  • Includes low profile, premium urethane weight-mated sanding pad Grey lever identifies 3/16-Inch (5 mm) dia orbit, used for general sanding
  • Drop-In Motor available (sold separately) to reduce costly down-time associated with routine maintenance More Power - True 12,000 RPM air motor
  • Comfort Platform provides additional hand and wrist support, further enhancing operator comfort Also offers increased protection against cold air exhaust
  • Throttle lever recesses into housing grip when depressed, eliminating pressure-point on operator's palm Dynorbital-Spirit lever is made from composite material to insulate against cold air
  • Speed Control allows thumb-control regulating of tool speed Lighter air-motor assembly, ideal for vertical and overhead sanding applications

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