
postheadericon Pneumatic 3MTM 6" Random Orbital Sanders, Self-Generated, Model: 20327

Buy Pneumatic 3MTM 6" Random Orbital Sanders, Self-Generated, Model: 20327 For Sale

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Pneumatic 3MTM 6" Random Orbital Sanders, Self-Generated, Model: 20327 Overview

These vacuum sanders are designed to work with 3M's proprietary self-contained dust collection system to trap and contain airborne particles during the finishing process. They can also be used with conventional filter bags

Pneumatic 3MTM 6" Random Orbital Sanders, Self-Generated, Model: 20327 Features

  • 3M's solution creates a user friendly and high efficiency dust collection system when used with 3MTM
  • Filter Bag, Adaptor, and HookitTM Clean Sanding Disc Pad
  • Max RPM: 12000, Model: 20327
  • Orbit Dia.: 3/16", Size: 6", Type: Self-Gen

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