
postheadericon Dynabrade 56850 5-Inch Non-Vacuum Dynorbital Supreme Random Orbital Sander, Black

Discount Dynabrade 56850 5-Inch Non-Vacuum Dynorbital Supreme Random Orbital Sander, Black Sale

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Dynabrade 56850 5-Inch Non-Vacuum Dynorbital Supreme Random Orbital Sander, Black Overview

* Non-Vacuum Dynorbital Supreme includes low profile, premium urethane weight-mated sanding pad. Optional vacuum conversion kits available, to easily convert non-vacuum tool to self-generated vacuum tool or central vacuum tool. 3/32" (2.5 mm) diameter orbit.* Dynorbital Supreme models run at 12,000 RPM. Rotor utilizes five blades and produces more useable power. Composite rotor is stronger and has better lubricating qualities, enabling blades to last longer.* Composite base has integrated rubber over-mold creating a non-slip feel, as well as insulating from cold. The air motor is suspended by vibration-absorbing rubber rings (Patent No. 5,319,888) to minimize vibration.* Triple-sealed front double row balancer bearing (Patent No. 4,854,085) is guarded from sanding residue for long life and lower maintenance; easy replacement using 57098 Repair Kit.* Comfort Platform provides additional hand and wrist support, further enhancing operator comfort. Also offers increased protection against cold air exhaust. (NOTE: Comfort Platform is removable.) Order 59330 Comfort Platform (U.S. Patent No. D610,428) separately, to install on existing tools!

Dynabrade 56850 5-Inch Non-Vacuum Dynorbital Supreme Random Orbital Sander, Black Features

  • Non-Vacuum Dynorbital Supreme includes low profile, premium urethane weight-mated sanding pad
  • Dynorbital Supreme models run at 12,000 RPM Rotor utilizes five blades and produces more useable power
  • Composite base has integrated rubber over-mold creating a non-slip feel, as well as insulating from cold
  • Triple-sealed front double row balancer bearing (Patent No 4,854,085) is guarded from sanding residue for long life and lower maintenance; easy replacement using 57098 Repair Kit
  • Comfort Platform provides additional hand and wrist support Also offers increased protection against cold air exhaust

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