
postheadericon 3M 20319 5-Inch Self Generating Vacuum Random Orbital Sander 3/16" orbit

Cheap 3M 20319 5-Inch Self Generating Vacuum Random Orbital Sander 3/16" orbit Online Store

3M 20319 5-Inch Self Generating Vacuum Random Orbital Sander 3/16

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3M 20319 5-Inch Self Generating Vacuum Random Orbital Sander 3/16
3M has engineered a better line of air-powered finishing tools designed to work hand-in-hand with the 3M abrasives and accessories you've always trusted. Includes the built-in features and performance you'd expect only from 3M

3M 20319 5-Inch Self Generating Vacuum Random Orbital Sander 3/16

  • Precision balanced & designed for smooth operation & Improved handling & comfort over other brands
  • Includes 5" Clean Sanding Hookit Pad 3M20353 and Medium grip included 3M20343
  • Self generating vacuum sander with 3/16" orbit for general purpose sanding
  • Designed to the highest quality and performance standards - lightweight only 1.83 pounds
  • Includes one filter bag, replacement bags available search 3M20452

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